Hi folks,
Well, I’ve thought about our experience with Familyleaf and Origami, and it struck me that what we need is just a simple blog. But with some sort of security so the world and it’s mother aren’t looking in at our lives!
The real advantage is that we’ll be able to keep a record over time of what’s happening. No longer will people be out of the loop, and situations like everyone assuming Clara knew about Síofra won’t happen.
The McDonagh chat in Viber is great, but it’s a conversation about the here and now. Hopefully this is something that will last a bit longer. So, for example, if Robyn wanted to look back on the time of her first days at school she’ll be able to go back and see the photos/videos and all of our reactions to them.
I’ll have things posted under categories, so that you can look up just posts to do with Robyn, for example.
Security is simple. You just have to put in your email to see it, no password. You can give access to other people you want to allow see it, friends or wider family.
Initially it will just be me that’s posting. Then we’ll broaden it so you can all log on and post (this will require a password), and also post by email.
I’m just looking for projects to work on websites, so it fits in with that even if we don’t want to use it for anything else.
We may look at including wider family in it over time, depending on how it goes. We may, of course, all stop using it, which isn’t a problem either, because I’ll still have had the website practise!
And everything that goes up can have replies, so we can have a conversation around anything interesting. Apart from that, I think we’ll just see what happens and how it develops!
Don’t forgot that you can leave a comment underneath any post, and reply to other people’s comments.