All posts by Éamon

Hi there Welcome to the new improved Familyblog…

Hi there,

Welcome to the new improved Familyblog. There is a new layout that makes it easier for you to post (and might mean the blog doesn’t go quiet while I travel.

First, it’s easier to log in as yourself, which you need to do to post (and will also correctly track your comments). You can log in over there on the right, where you see this:
Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 20.37.20

I sent you your log in ID and password before, but if you don’t have it don’t worry, as it’s as easy to click ‘Lost your password’ and get yourself a new one using Username or email. Your username is your first name in lowercase.

Once you’re in, you’ll see this:
Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 20.38.14.

If you just type and ‘Post it’ you’ve created a post. If you want to get fancy, you can have it as a status update (short) or a blog post (long). You can add photos or videos using the ‘Add Media’ option.

Just try it, and everything else you’ll pick up as you go along.