Holly's hols from Éamon Mack on Vimeo.
Enjoying her 1st hols!!
We’ve had a great Paddys Day with all the neighbours, back at ours now & this is our entertainment
If u look up balooz.com garnish wife on youtube u can get 12 mins of the panto, whatever way it is edited I don’t feature a lot, but it will give u a taste of the mad panto, it sure was bazaar!!
Elf Robert has arrived to let Santa know how good Robyn is being!! Much excitement!!
It’s Elf Robert from Éamon Mack on Vimeo.
Robyn attending Kilmaley’s Got Talent tonight!! Very serious stuff!! She’s in a dance troupe called The Glitterbelles!!
Sharon: The Glitter Belles dancing last night. Robyn’s back row in middle..was just her & a few of her classmates so they did v well. They only had a wk & a half practice!!
The Glitterbelles from Éamon Mack on Vimeo.
Robyn-Dance-rehearsal-140514 from Éamon Mack on Vimeo.
It’s snowing from Éamon Mack on Vimeo.
Uncle Paddy at it again, backing group a bit shaky !!! Got your update, were envious of the weather.
Slan Paddy B
Happy birthday to Robyn from Éamon Mack on Vimeo.